Why Semco?

We help businesses:

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Reduce financial liability and legal risk

Our status as employer of record combined with training and materials helps shield you.

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Increase employee retention

A robust top-notch benefits program will enable you to attract and keep quality staff.

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Avoid tax headaches

We properly administer the multiple tax and other governmental filings for you.

Implementation cost is low

You'll be pleasantly surprised at how inexpensive our service is.


We help employees:

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Feel protected with a full benefits plan

  • Health and dental insurance
  • Disability and term life insurance
  • Education reimbursement
  • Retirement plans
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Save money with discounts

  • Auto loans
  • Travel purchases
  • Homeowner’s insurance
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Stay informed with advice and guidance

We promptly respond to all payroll, accruals, benefit and salary questions.


I like how they are on top of all of the things that need to be done for employees and how readily accessible they are.

N. Griffith SEMCO Management, Inc.